Type the appropriate domain name in the input field and click the appropriate button. For example, to check the registration status of a .AG domain name, type the name in the input field next to DNS Query, and then click the DNS Query button.
Click here for explanations and help using these tools.
These tools are provided as a public service by Nic AG and are provided AS IS. Nic AG does not warrant these tools to be 100% accurate and cannot be held responsible for the results. Any and all responsibility and liability lies with the user of this script. The creator(s) of this script and Nic AG Ltd./Nic AG LLC are released from any liability relating to the use of data from other web sites.
Whois Supported TLDs:
.AG, .com, .net, .org, .edu, .ad, .af, .al, .am, .as, .at, .au, .az, .ba, .be, .bg, .bm, .br, .bt, .by, .ca, .cc, .ch, .ck, .cn, .com, .cx, .cy, .cz, .de, .dk, .dz, .ee, .edu, .eg, .es, .fi, .fo, .fr, .ga, .gb, .ge, .gf, .gi, .gl, .gm, .gov, .gr, .gs, .hk, .hm, .hr, .hu, .id, .ie, .il, .in, .io, .is, .it, .jo, .jp, .kr, .kz, .li, .lk, .lt, .lu, .lv, .ly, .ma, .mc, .md, .mil, .mk, .mm, .ms, .mt, .mx, .net, .nl, .no, .nu, .nz, .org, .pe, .pk, .pl, .pr, .pw, .ro, .ru, .se, .sg, .sh, .si, .sk, .sm, .so, .st, .tc, .tf, .th, .tj, .tm, .tn, .to, .tr, .tw, .ua, .uk, .us, .va, .ve, .vg, .yu, .za, .co.za |